A journey seeking Love. Peace. Passion. Freedom. Joy.
I started my first business as a freelance copywriter back in 2000 when my third daughter was born. Over the last 25 years my desire to leave corporate America and work from home has turned into an unexpected journey of personal development, spiritual awakening and freedom.
I speak to you now as a grandmother. A minister. A teacher. An author. A human being that has broken out of living a life doing what I was “supposed to” into a living a life filled with “because I want to”.
Hi, I’m Rev. Kelly Robbins.
I’m aware that for both for myself and my clients my biggest leaps in income, and oftentimes the happiest moments of my life have happen when I’ve stepped into a growth that was least expected – often in areas I was unprepared for.
My entire life I had always done the right thing. Went to college. Got married. Had three kids. Bought a custom home in the right neighborhood. Had a secure job at a top fortune 50 company. And I was still unfulfilled and didn’t know why.
I was in my early 30’s and remember going through a checklist of all the wonderful things I had to be grateful for in my life. It took time for me to understand that ‘doing’ the right thing doesn’t always bring happiness and fulfillment – how I am ‘being’ is just as, if not more, important to creating a life filled with purpose, abundance and love.
I was going through the motions of life, becoming numb in many ways, doing my best to “make it”. I had no idea there are qualities innate to each of us that have nothing to do with achieving a life status. These Qualities are: Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty, Abundance, Freedom and Joy.
My intention with the Fresh Tracks Podcast is to introduce to you to a variety of different people and ways of being in your life that you may not have been exposed to before.
My hope is that as you peruse the collection of audio’s and listen to the wide variety of experts here you’ll walk away with a few good nuggets to play with so you can move forward and take focused action on creating your life on your terms.
I call it creating Fresh Tracks – going somewhere you’ve never been. Living life in a way you never have before. You do this by developing our own understanding of the truth of who you are. By learning to trust yourself.
I strive to bring a modern voice to ancient teachings, and empower each of us to live our lives fully using the principles of love and universal law. I am the founder of Kelly Robbins Ministries. I have published an e-zine, “The Edge”, in various renditions since 2003. I teach classes and workshops both online and in person. I love officiating weddings and funerals – being there for others as they create Fresh Tracks in their lives. I offer both personal and business coaching for those seeking a more personal dive into their spiritual selves.
Each of our life journeys is different. I am honored you are here and look forward to empowering you to create Fresh Tracks in your life!
With love,
Rev. Kelly